Victoria lives at the edge of the Boreal Forest near central Saskatchewan, Canada.
She started her formal writing career with a book written for her mother titled People: A Perfect 10. It is about the impact and influence her mother had on Victoria and her nine siblings.
Her second book titled: Plainfolk Stories from the Farm about the Impact German-Russian Farmers and Planer Colonists had on Two Countries and Seven Generations was published in 2022. Within it are several stories from more than 1,000 relatives who can be traced. She hopes that they, along with the descendants of the Planer Colonists and the larger German-Russian community, are as curious to learn what life was like for their pioneering ancestors as she is.
Victoria has written countless essays throughout her elementary and high-school years. Going to University, she learned the ins and outs of researching, learned new ‘stuff’ (don’t you just love that word ‘stuff’) and in the process gained a huge respect for researchers.
She is a social and sciences-based professional, businesswoman, and Registered Dietitian. She has the most fun when she is learning new ‘stuff’.
Victoria has a wish for you! Go to Author’s Personal Message at